Michael Koyoti Michael Koyoti

Cry Of Humanity

Hearing cries of humans, I have traveled out of the Spirit Forest to discover its source.

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book “Chronicles of Monkey Man”

Hearing cries of humans, I have traveled out of the Spirit Forest to discover its source. I wandered dusty, barren roads, destroyed bridges - Created, destroyed and abandoned by men. I took refuge on roof tops in villages and cities. From the sparse city treetops, I observed humans rain down hurt with fire and metal from the skies. The voices of death and condemnation are heard from leaders of humanity- Leaders of countries, leaders of religions. Self proclaimed spirit leaders spread fear only to grasp power and submission from the masses. Religions declare war in the name of their manifestation of God. Men steal land, claiming its wealth and enslaving its inhabitants - all in the name of god, country, righteousness. This treachery makes its way to the Spirit Forest. Its creatures tremble at the advance. I come as their emissary, compelled to find the source and reason with its nature.

From the Spirit Forest comes nourishment for all creatures, humans alike. Why has Creation has not condemned such a destructive race? - So easily done, Life on our planet - So fragile. Our magnificent Sun need only to stir slightly in our planet's direction. The heavens need only rain tears of ice and fire. The belly of the earth need only purge smoke and burning rock into a darkening sky. So many swords pointed at humanity! Yet it proceeds on a path of its own self destruction, yet is spared destruction.

With monkey curiosity, I explore a public square. A child plays there. Her laugh is magic. She smiles like the rays of sun. Her pale eyes glitter like stars. She hands me an offering of fruit as I dance in the light of her presence. Without a touch, I feel her affection, her innocence, her love. She is surrounded by treachery, suspicion and hate - Yet, she pours love to a small monkey in the market, unnoticed by adult humans. I bow to her. She bows to me.

Creation has led me to the the source of Humanity's light. It has revealed the spark that withholds destruction. I return to my treetop home, retracing the path of destruction and death. I find my familiar treetop perch, where the leaves rustle in the cool evening breeze. I have seen the wisdom of Creation in the eyes of a child and await its unfolding.

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Michael Koyoti Michael Koyoti

A 15 Minute Walk To Unsustainability

Batteries Not Included

Smart cities, 15 minute cities, both terms used to describe the sustainable city vision proposed by global organizations like the UN, World Economic Forum, Billionaire Globalists and others. Detractors claim these cities will entrap its inhabitants, restrict travel, centrally control and ration the distribution of essential resources. Fact checkers deny this and proclaim that these smart, 15 minute cities will save humanity and the climate and everyone in them will be free. But what are the facts, really?

The official smart, 15 minute city architecture imposes centralized control of the production of energy, transportation modalities, food distribution and other essential services. Inhabitants work and live within a 15 minute walk perimeter. Energy production relies on wind and solar energy stored in batteries. The use of gasoline powered transportation is restricted, if not prohibited. These cities will rely on supply chains to deliver essentials. Local governments monitor and control the population, linking every aspect of life to smart city networked devices, sensors and cameras to insure safety and efficiency.

What could go possibly wrong aside from loss of individual sovereignty and freedoms? My spiritual self cringes at the thought of the absolute affront to the sovereignty of the human spirit. My engineer self sees a system so reliant on multiple single points of failure, it is fraught with vulnerabilities and therefore inherently not as sustainable as it claims to be.

Water becomes a major challenge as water sources, sufficient to supply distributed and densely populated smart cities would need to be located and transported. We already see less densely populated residential developments experiencing water sourcing challenges. Moving populations into 15 minute, smart cities only exacerbate public water challenges.

These cities would rely on supply chains that are already strained. The pandemic shut downs of 2019 demonstrated just how fragile supply chains are. Assuming trains and trucks transition to battery powered vehicles, their ranges and efficiency will be significantly impacted, putting even more strain on supply chain distribution of essential products, not to mention non-essential products.

What happens to food production in these models? As nation states and billionaires buy up farmland and independent farmers and ranchers face economic devastation, it is not a stretch to assume the plan is to transition food production into large conglomerates, who will decide what is produced and who has access. This by and large is the situation today.

Reliance on renewable energy requires large, remote, utility grade wind and solar farms to produce sufficient electricity for these centralized communities. This will rely on unreliable generation sources that requires an electric grid infrastructure that cannot support this today.

The unreliable nature of renewable energy sources will rely on batteries to meet peak demands. Batteries that are not included with the smart city architecture. No mention of battery production, which relies on destructive mining, located far from the purview of these idyllic cities. There is little discussion or plan for disposing of spent batteries which contain toxic materials. We are no where near the capacity to supply sufficient batteries to offset renewable energy sources. No realistic plans exist for large scale battery production, distribution and disposal.

There lots of talk, but little urgency to address the existing, outdated and vulnerable electric grid infrastructure which would supply the electricity to charge batteries. 2030 is only a few years away. The goals set out by the UN’s agenda 2030, if implemented with the current infrastructure plans, would be challenging at best, more likely disastrous.

Batteries are not included the 15 minute, smart city vision and architecture. This is due to the complete lack of a believable plan to meet the needs of battery dependent energy infrastructure. Efficiencies are improving, however energy is lost with every battery charge and discharge. This can be 25% or more in some cases. Again, not very sustainable.

The likely reality if these cities are implemented in the near future, is a rationed supply of batteries, restricted times to charge them and restricted energy use. What IS in the plans espoused by smart city proponents is the central control and monitoring of energy usage. Electricity will be rationed if need be through centrally controlled, “smart” network infrastructure, limiting use of appliances, restricting charge times for vehicles, controlling thermostats. This is not a foreboding conspiracy theory. This is already happening today and widely promoted at smart city conferences.

Restrictions will likely extend to water, long distance travel and other things we take for granted. It cannot be implemented without a total loss of privacy – something we’ve been increasingly conditioned to tolerate with our cloud Internet services and mobile apps.

Needless to say, the entire concept is bad architecture and inherently unsustainable. The slightest disruption results in a tragic set of circumstances for smart 15 minute cites. Weather, economics, worker shortages, government imposed lock downs, supply chain crises, all put stress on one or more of the single points of failure in this grand vision of the future. It amounts to a fish bowl for humans, living at the mercy of city administrators, utilities and corporate food production. All consumption of resources monitored and regulated. The fact checkers claim that 15 minute cities will not restrict our freedoms or privacy, but the 15 minute architects are building infrastructure that amounts to constant surveillance, control and rationing of increasingly limited resources.

History Repeats

We must learn from history if we are not to repeat it. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley thrived for generations until they became unable to sustain their population centers. It is speculated that drought and climate change was the cause of their failure. It is likely that people in these communities were faced with disease and starvation if they did not disperse to a more sustainable environment. As a result their culture and wisdom spread throughout the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. Their plight is all but lost to unwritten history.

In my book “Is-Ness” I describe decentralized architectures as the best approach to sustainability. This requires that communities establish self sufficiency by taking control of their own energy and food production locally, locating themselves where water is easily accessible. They establish their own communications networks that honor the privacy and sovereignty of individuals. Lastly, they establish a currency based on the value of trade within their community, not printed by a central bank and loaned to the government.

Networks of these communities can trade, share excess resources, interconnect their communications networks and establish digital currency exchanges. The technology is possible today, however this vision is not popular with the “command and control” crowd. Their vision will ultimately crash and burn, and like those who survived the collapse of ancient civilizations, we need to begin to create decentralized infrastructure that can survive the inevitable collapse of our top heavy, unsustainable civilization.

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Michael Koyoti Michael Koyoti

The Essence Of Consciousness

So much confusion surrounds the idea of consciousness in our 21st century narratives. Mainstream physicists acknowledge the conscious observer impacting that which is observed, but do not formally study consciousness itself. New Age philosophies commonly utilize quantum physics terminology out of context in a vast array of concepts about consciousness.

In my book Is-Ness, I describe the essence of consciousness as experiencing only the present instance in time from a dimensionless point in space. From this singularity of presence our self awareness manifests as mind and body. This description is echoed in ancient wisdom, spanning Shamanism, Buddhism, the Vedic tradition, Sufism and, I believe, the teachings of Jesus. But, how do we describe this to those who have no knowledge or experience in any of these traditions?

I like the analogy of a whirlpool vortex in a vast ocean. The vortex exists due to a singular point on the ocean floor which draws water from the ocean. A whirlpool is sustained as long as the singular hole in the ocean can sustain the flow of water through it.

Without the singularity, there is only the vast, calm ocean, or empty space. The whirlpool itself is formed from the ocean water. We see this phenomenon at the atomic level. Atoms exist as a field vortex in space. Remove the singularity that powers the vortex and the field collapses into empty space.

In our universe, space is clearly not empty. Some call it a fabric of time-space, scientists of previous eras call it Aether, which behaves like a multi-dimensional super fluid. It is what electromagnetic fields propagate through. A singularity created in Aether taps into an infinite source of energy beyond our 3 dimension time-space existence to establish sustainable field vortexes of particles and atoms. Consider a fixed magnet that exhibits a sustained magnetic field. Yet, at the center of the magnet, there is no magnetic field at all. Out of a calm motionless center, spews a vortex of electrical field energy that flows continuously throughout the magnetic material to create a magnetic field, a magnetic dipole with opposing north and south poles separated by a two dimensional plane extending from the center singularity of a magnet.

Ancient inquirers, exploring human consciousness discovered the same dimensionless presence in our consciousness. It does not experience linear time, but only exists in the moment. It has no emotions or thoughts. It only “is”.

Back to the whirlpool analogy. So a whirlpool becomes aware of its existence. It thinks it is separate from the ocean that it is made of. It believes its existence is the swirling activity within its boundaries. That activity creates reverberations within the ocean, impacting other whirlpools that might exist within it. In it’s self awareness, it does not consider the singularity that forms it.

This describes our confused state as self aware, conscious beings. We forget that the core of our conscious presence exists only in the moment, in a unique singular point in space and time. While our solid bodies are comprised of organized electromagnetic field energies in empty space, or Aether as ancient scientists believed, we think we’re somehow separate from empty space.

Every aspect of our existence, our thoughts, our physical bodies, actions and reactions are all artifacts of this singular essence of being, the essence of consciousness, dimensionless source of all though action and physical matter.

The conclusions made thousands of years ago by sages who asked the same questions our quantum physicists ask today, is that we are simply a singular presence in a universal consciousness experiencing this 3d reality from our unique perspective. Our essence is not our physical form, just as the whirlpools essence isn’t the vortex in a vast ocean.

As today’s science evolves to study the science of spirit, the science of singularity, it will learn that the dimensionless and timeless singularity connects to something outside our 3 dimensional existence. it is a source for boundless energy. Information forms around singularities, information becomes thought, becomes wisdom. Yet this all comes from a dimensionless point of nothingness.

“Everything comes out of nothing” is a common theme across ancient belief systems and traditions. Until modern cosmologists theorized that all matter and energy of our universe was formed from the big bang of a singularity, this wisdom was not easily embraced by western science. Our next era of scientific development will be forced to explore consciousness and spirit.

Charles Proteus Steinmetz, the scientist who evolved Nicola Tesla’s research into what is today our electric grid, was quoted saying:

“The greatest discovery and development of the coming years will be along spiritual lines. Here is a force which history clearly teaches has been the greatest power in the development of man and history, and yet we have been merely playing with it and have never seriously studied it as we have physical forces. Some day people will learn that material things do not bring happiness and are of little use in making men and women creative and powerful. Then the scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of the spiritual forces. When this day comes, the world will see more advancement in one generation than it has in the past four.”

I couldn’t say it better myself!

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Michael Koyoti Michael Koyoti

Is-Ness Debut

My book Is-Ness, Science, Consciousness, Spirit, is now available in print and e-book formats on Amazon. This begins a new phase for me on my personal journey as I begin blogging, podcast interviews and eventually produce podcasts of my own.

Is-Ness intends to offer information to free thinkers on their unique journeys. I welcome all on the journey, a journey that is unique to each of us, yet unites us all as we explore our existence in this universe with an open mind and heart. I have no intention here to create yet another organized belief system or spiritual practice. If this book challenges you to explore new truths, question authoritarian narratives or think differently, I have done my job.

I look forward to meeting new, like minded people on this journey ahead. Stay tuned here for more blogs and announcements in the coming weeks!

Michael Koyoti

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